A-101/LVS and CHECKFIRE Vehicle Systems

Certification Training for ANSUL A-101, LVS and CHECKFIRE 110 AND 210

This course is a three day session where students will learn the components used in the Vehicle Suppression System, including the A-101, the LVS, and the CHECKFIRE 110CHECKFIRE Vehicle Systemsand 210 Detection and Actuation systems. The session is designed to give in depth coverage on how the systems are integrated and covers system recharge and maintenance. Students will have the opportunity to perform real world design work problems as part of this course.

The course will end with an exam and attendees will receive a product certification which will allow them to design, service and maintain A-101. LVS and CHECKFIRE Systems.


  • Training covers the A-101, LVS and CHECKKFIRE Systems\
  • Attendees will work through real life scenarios to apply what they learned
  • Attendees will become familiar with the technical manual and where to find the information they need to design, service and maintain vehicle systems.
  • Refresher sessions (1 day) are available for re-certification in some regions.
  • Personalized ID Cards handed out in some regions 

Course Information

  • Duration: 3-days
  • Availability: USA, Europe, APAC/ME
  • Target Audience: Authorized Distributors Only
  • Certification: Product Certification

To enroll in this class or find out more information, login to your account at the top of this page.